Take Control, Gain Insight
Wouldn't you like to have ready answers to questions like these?
Upcoming Shifts
Are we fully staffed for Wednesday's kitchen jobs?
Volunteer Utilization
How could we best use Sally next Tuesday?
Skill and Availability Matching
Who should we call to fill in as a server on Route 3 on Thursday morning?
Volunteer Accounting
How many miles did John drive last year?
Contact Management
Joe's phone seems to be off, how else can I reach him?
Real-time Status
Did Mary show up for her shift yet?
Schedule a Demo
Would you like someone to walk you through MOW Scheduler's functions and answer questions you might have? Give us a shout and we'll hook you up with a web demo!
The Scheduler includes the features needed by volunteer coordinators to manage their day-to-day operations, as well as providing a "big picture" overview of the volunteer activities.

It's in the Cloud
Access your system from anywhere, on any device. You don't need any special software, hardware, or other infrastructure to ensure that your system and data is safe, secure, reliable, fast, and easy to use. We'll take care of it!
Recurring and One-time Assignments
Schedule volunteers for automatically recurring weekly or monthly commitments, or one-time ad-hoc assignments.
Volunteer Notifications
Automatically send configurable reminders of upcoming shifts to volunteers by email or SMS text, to significantly reduce the number of "no shows".
Volunteer Relationship Management
Simple but powerful contact database makes it easy to keep and find all the information you need about your volunteers. Includes a powerful search interface, volunteer activities history, upcoming commitments and scheduled time off, notes, and attached documents, photos, etc. Volunteer application form integration features can aid your recruitment efforts.
Daily and Weekly Calendar Views
See at a glance which future shifts have unfilled volunteer requirements.
Get a birds-eye view of recent and upcoming system requirements and activity.
Volunteer Self-Service
Public "Help Wanted" page lets your volunteers browse and sign up for upcoming opportunities. Volunteer Portal sign-in additionally enables them to view their shift history, update their contact info, and more. Selected volunteers can be qualified for "auto-approval" of shift signups.
Job and Shift Views
View the status and history of each job, shift, and position, including a list of volunteers who have helped in similar spots in the past.
Tabulated summaries of system activity and volunteer performance over the last week, month, or year.
The 5-Minute Tour
You can get a pretty good idea of how the Scheduler works by looking at a few of the key screens. You'll find that although there's a lot of information available, it all Just Works ™.
About Us
MOW Scheduler is a product of Purplewire

...a web applications company with a 20 year history of developing collaboration and business process applications for commercial, government, and nonprofit organizations.
The MOW Scheduler Story
Purplewire has a passion for helping charitable nonprofit organizations realize their missions. Over the years we've been inspired by some outstanding organizations in our community, including On Point for College and Meals on Wheels of Syracuse, and we've had the opportunity to donate our time and technical skills to help their causes.
In the course of working with nonprofits, we've discovered that the operational challenges they face in their efforts to achieve their mission and grow capacity are similar to those of commercial enterprises. But "business class" technology solutions are not always an ideal fit, and often are not realistically available to nonprofits due to affordability. We want to change that.
Our extensive experience developing high-quality commercial solutions, along with our shared passion for the goals of charitable nonprofit organizations, enables and motivates us to offer progressive and sustainable solutions at an affordable cost. MOW Scheduler is our first initiative to combine our role as technologists with our mission to serve on a wider scale. We hope to follow with more products in the future.
Our pricing includes unlimited number of users/logins & unlimited number of volunteer contacts. The base price now includes use of the Volunteer Portal and auto-approve features, which were previously extra cost.
Our pricing is simple and affordable1,2,3
$150/$1500 per month/yearMeals on Wheels America members
- Unlimited volunteer contacts
- Unlimited users/logins
$180/$1800 per month/yearOther Nonprofits
- Unlimited volunteer contacts
- Unlimited users/logins
One-time setup cost: $600
Includes initial import of contact and job/route descriptions, online staff training, and collaborative go-live preparations.Just send us your volunteer contact information in our import spreadsheet templates, we'll take care of the rest!
- Published pricing is reserved for Meals on Wheels programs and similar non-profit organizations. We reserve the right to apply additional charges to other organizations, or for usage other than volunteer scheduling, or beyond what we deem reasonable for a single organization.
- Sales tax can be exempted with valid certificate of exemption status
- Special need-based price considerations are available to charitable nonprofits. Contact us to qualify.
Contact Us
Please contact us with any questions or suggestions.
Contact Info
Purplewire1400 Lancaster St. #500
Baltimore, MD 21231
P: (315) 234-0079 Please fill out the form and we will contact you shortly!